Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Album Review: KIDS Mixtape by Mac Miller

Senior Skip Day by Mac Miller

As I was searching for a video on youtube last week I came across with this guys music videos, it was good and his lyrics was deep yet understandable. I ended up watching almost all of his videos and downloaded some mixtapes of his. THUMBS UP for his music!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Roll my way by Scribes

* Behold my stylo.

One year later

Ortigas Ave. Extension

Monday, September 20, 2010


Spaghetti in bacon and olive oil with home made garlic spread.

Friday, September 17, 2010


Thursday, September 16, 2010

Cathay Pacific Steel Corporation

Dust Collecting Plant (DCP)



Building 1

Cooling Towers

How things look inside
Laddle area

Hanging at around 40ft in the air

Casting of the molten metal

You dont want to get near those..


One of our welders, doin the grind..

Its always pitch black at work..


For more than three months I worked here, it was like working in hell, but I tell you guys it was a great experience. For that short period of time I can say that I gained a lot from it, I'm going to miss the real people that I usually talked to during break times.

I can say that I really started from the bottom, below the hierarchy, because of what I've experienced here, but now I'm ready to climb that ladder and start a new chapter in my career.